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The waist of a person in a white shirt, black pants, and a black apron holding papers. Hooked on the apron strapped around the wait are 4 rectangular devices with a silver button and blurred-out photographs of Black students taped to the front.
Black and white illustration of a tree with a thick trunk and lots of branches and roots. Across the branches is the text “Eugenics”. The text on the side of the tree trunk reads “Eugenics is the self direction of human evolution”. The text under the illustration reads “Like a tree eugenics draws its materials from many sources and organizes them into an harmonious entity”. The following words are written in the tree’s roots: “anatomy, physiology, biology, psychology, genetics, mental testing, anthropometry, history, anthropology, geology, archeology, ethnology, geography, law, politics, statistics, economics, biography, genealogy, education, sociology, religion, psychiatry, surgery, and medicine”
6 police officers standing side by side on a sidewalk in front of a building with large windows. All of the officers are wearing an army green uniform with heavy army green body armor with the word “police” across the chest and helmets. They are each holding a black long gun pointed to the ground which is strapped around their torsos.

The Judge Rotenberg Center is a residential school for disabled people in Massachusetts. The "treatment" individuals receive consists of positive, negative, and aversive reinforcements, including restraint, seclusion, contingent food programs, and even an electric shock device. 

Click Here to learn more about the Judge Rotenberg Center and its founder, Matthew Israel.

Click Here to learn more about Disability in the United States.

Nothing embodies racism and eugenics more than our countries police force, who are trained to dehumanize marginalized people. 

Click Here to learn about the training facility being built in Atlanta called "Cop City" and why it should not be built.

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