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Why Cop City Must Be Stopped:
When colonialism, race science, and eugenics
are embedded in our police systems

By KG 05-25-2023

Introduction: The Weelaunee Forest

Rayshard Brooks from the chest up, with a huge smile that shows all of his teeth. He is wearing a gray collared shirt and a black buttoned-up jacket. The background is gray.
Rayshard Brooks was killed by Atlanta Police on June 12, 2020.
Photo Credit: Still shot from video made by Rayshard Brooks.
A Black banner strung across tree tops with large white text that reads ”Stop Cop City” with an image of a cop car hitting a tree on the right side
Forest Defenders hang a "Stop Cop City" sign across trees in the Weelaunee Forest.
Photo Credit: Twitter/Community Movement Builders
Tortuguita sitting in a camping chair, smiling, with trees in the background. He is wearing an orange and black tye-dye shirt, a black bandana around his neck and a bandana on his head.

Tortuguita Teran was killed by Atlanta Police on Jan. 18, 2023.
Photo credit: Unicorn Riot

The City of Atlanta and the Atlanta Police Foundation are building a Public Safety Training Center on a 381-acre greenspace known as the Weelaunee Forest (renamed South River Forest by settlers). For thousands of years, it was home to the Muscogee people, but white folks came and forced them to leave so they could build a profitable plantation using slave labor. A Civil War battle took place there and in the 1920s, a prison farm was erected. The majority of the Black men were there for violating Jim Crow segregation laws. There were many instances of racism, abuse, torture, rape, and lynchings. It operated for most of the 20th century (1).

Two men from behind, each with one arm carrying a large basket with some type of produce inside to a truck on a farm where other men are loading produce.
Incarcerated at the Atlanta Prison Farm.
Photo Credit: Atlanta Journal-Constitution Photographic Archives.
Two white shirtless men working on a piece of large farm equipment. Next to them is a Black man in the same pants and a shirt holding a long wooden handle that goes out of frame. Behind the three men are several other men in the same outfits wheeling wheelbarrows heading to a 1-story building with industrial windows and a chimney. Behind that building is a white 1-story building with a triangular roof.
prison labor at the Atlanta Prison Farm.
Photo Credit: Atlanta Journal-Constitution Photographic Archives

In the 1970s Weelaunee Forest became a city dump. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1999, and in 2017 it was designated as one of Atlanta’s 4 “lungs”. For a minute, there was hope that this abused and stolen land could be transformed into a sprawling urban park and conservation corridor-a place where people could escape the noise of the city, hike, bike, birdwatch, have picnics, and enjoy nature. It doesn’t undo any of the horrific history, but it's the first time in almost two centuries that the land would have seen some peace. 

a forest of thin trees spaced 10-15 feet apart. The ground is covered in green vegetation, and there is a fallen tree with several branches on the left side. There is a thin dirt trail with a white dog facing frontwards.
A dog hiking in the Weelaunee Forest (aka South River Forest)
Photo Credit: SouthRiverForest.Org
The Bottom half is a lake with the reflection of trees, the blue sky, and clouds.
A lake in the Weelaunee Forest (aka South River Forest)
Photo Credit: SouthRiverForest.Org

So, unsurprisingly that same year, the Mayor of Atlanta, Keisha Lance Bottoms, announced that a state-of-the-art police training facility will be built where the prison farm was located, taking up 150 of the 381-acre park (In 2022 it was reduced to 85 acres). The Atlanta Public Safety Training Center will cost $90 million dollars to build and will include a training and education center, fire and EMS training, a Leadership Institute, a shooting range, an Emergency Vehicle Operations Course, a mock town center, a canine training center, stables for mounted patrol, and a fitness center (2). Initially, the Atlant Police Foundation wanted to conduct explosives training at the facility, but the city decided against it (3).


This land is worse than haunted-it’s occupied.

A computer image of a green triangle plot of land with the hypotenuse side going from the bottom left corner to the top right corner.  There is a green empty space taking up ⅕ of the space in the middle. On the right side are forests and trails. On the left side, taking up ¼ of the space is the Atlanta Police Training Center.
Plans for the $90 million Atlanta Public Safety Training Center.
Photo Credit: Atlanta Police Foundation
A computer-generated graphic of a street with several police vehicles parked, with several groups of police officers standing outside of the vehicles. On the left side of the street are a wall of two-story brick-colored buildings, a lawn and some trees. On the right is a gas station and several two-story buildings. There are trees and a blue cloudy sky in the background.
Plans for the "mock City" in the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center.
Photo Credit: Atlanta Police Foundation

The Atlanta Public Safety Training Center will cost $90 million dollars to build and will include a training and education center, fire and EMS training, a Leadership Institute, a shooting range, an Emergency Vehicle Operations Course, a mock town center, a canine training center, stables for mounted patrol, and a fitness center (2). Originally, the Atlant Police Foundation wanted to conduct explosives training at the facility, but the city decided against it (3)


One of the largest remaining greenspaces in Atlanta will be used to further embolden and train an already militarized police department for urban warfare and more police brutality against marginalized people. Atlanta decided to do this while millions of Americans took to the streets to protest the barbaric state murders of George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks, Brianna Taylor, Elijah McClain, Patrick Kimmons, Quanice Hayes, Joseph Finley Jr, Mah-hi-vist Goodblanket, Allen Locke, Loreal Tsingine, Brian Babb, James Chasse, and so many other Black, Brown, Indigenous, and disabled people.  Atlanta’s lawmakers decided to strike down police reform measures, increase the police budget, and increase public surveillance. 


Activists and Forest Defenders have protested only to be met with police violence, arrest, and in one case, death. The Atlanta Police Department, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Homeland Security formed a task force and decided to charge the Forest Defenders with domestic terrorism. This is a scare tactic used to demoralize and criminalize the movement (4).

Demand District Attorney Sherry Boston drop domestic terrorism charges against Stop Cop City protesters: 

Then, on January 18, 2023, while law enforcement was conducting another raid, the Atlanta Police Department, fatally shot Tortuguita, an Indigenous queer environmental activist,

who was sitting cross-legged and unarmed,13 times (4).

The facility is opposed by numerous community members and leaders, religious leaders, universities, environmental organizations, human rights groups, neighborhood associations, and more, including

-Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America
-City in the Forest
-Climate Reality Atlanta Chapter
-Dogwood Alliance
-Georgia Interfaith Power and Light
-Intrenchment Creek Community Stewardship Council
-Moms Clean Air Force Georgia Chapter
-Partnership for Southern Equity
-Poder Latinx
-Sierra Club Georgia Chapter
-South River Forest Coalition
-South River Watershed Alliance
-Sunrise Atlanta
-Center for Biological Diversity 
-Community Movement Builders-Atlanta-based non-profit organization
-Defund APD 
-Refund Communities
-Atlanta Sunrise Movement 
-A World Without Police 
-Students at the University of North Carolina (5)
-Faith leaders, Community leaders, faculty, and students at HBCUs Emory University, Morehouse College, and Spelman College (6)
-Approximately 770 out of 1,100 (70%) Atlanta residents who gave public comments for a 17-hour virtual public hearing in September 2021 (7) 

Neighborhood Associations: 

-East Atlanta Community Association 

-Grant Park Neighborhood Association 

-South Atlantans for Neighborhood Development 

-Kirkwood Neighbors Organization 

The building of the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center must be stopped for the same reason all police departments must be stopped. Law enforcement in this country is built on a foundation of genocide, scientific racism, and eugenics which has resulted in the targeting, brutalization, and murder of Black, Brown, Indigenous, and disabled people. Police kill over 1,000 people a year, they use excessive force, racially profile, criminalize, and dehumanize. They suppress free speech on the left and have ties to white supremacist groups. They don’t solve crime and they commit more sexual assault and domestic violence than the average person. There is no amount of training or police reform that can undo this. 

I will go through each specific reason and provide statistics and data. Then I will explain the history of race science and eugenics and the corresponding American laws and policing practices they have inspired.

Anchor 1

(1) Nic Sanford Belgard “The Land at The Center of Cop City and Why We Must Defend It” March 8, 2023. Indigenous Peoples Power Project (IP3) 


(2) The Atlanta Public Safety Training Center Website. Retrieved April 13, 2023.   


(3) Bill Chappell “What's at stake in Atlanta's 'Cop City' protests” Updated March 7, 2023. NPR.  


(4) Sonali Kolhatkar “Resistance to Atlanta’s Cop City Ramps Up” MAR 9, 2023. Yes Magazine.

(5) R.J. Rico “UNC students protest decision to ban 'Cop City' activist” April 13, 2023. Associated Press. ABC News.

(6) Timothy Pratt “Atlanta’s Black community raises voice against ‘Cop City’ police base” March 12, 2023. The Atlantic. The Gaurdian.

(7) Charles Bethea “The New Fight Over an Old Forest in Atlanta” August 3, 2022. The New Yorker.

“Sierra Club Georgia Chapter, 15 other environmental organizations, urge Atlanta City Council to protect the South River Forest” August 12, 2021. Sierra Club Georgia Chapter.

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