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Disabled Persons Protection Commission Complaints Regarding Abuse and Neglect at the Judge Rotenberg Center (2005-2024)

DPPC JRC Allegation Summaries 2-09-2005 to 11-30-2015 Excel Sheet*

DPPC Judge Rotenberg Center Allegations 1-01-17 to 6-30-2020 Excel Sheet*

DPPC Judge Rotenberg Center Allegation 7-1-2020 to 5-21-2022 Excel Sheet*


DPPC Judge Rotenberg Center Allegation 7-01-2020 to 10-16-2024 Excel Sheet*


*These documents were acquired via the Freedom of Information Act.

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DPPC Allegations Glossary


The Massachusetts Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC) has jurisdiction over disabled adults ages 18-59 who have suffered “serious physical and/or emotional injury through the act and/or omission of their caregivers”.

The Department of Children and Family Services ((DCF) serves people ages 17 and under who have suffered serious abuse or neglect.

Department of Developmental Services (DDS) provides support for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities. 

The Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) provides people ages 60 and above with resources and support.

The Department of Mental Health (DMH) provides people with mental health conditions with services and support.

The Department of Public Health (DPH) assesses the quality and safety of health care facilities and services.

The Massachusetts State Police Detective Unit reviews every DPPC complaint regarding abuse to see if criminal activity is occurring. When SPDU believes that a crime may have occurred it is forwarded to the DA’s Office.


ALV or Alv-Alleged Victim

ALAB or Alab-Alleged Abuser

OI-Other Individual


Screening Decisions:


  • Reports that involve a hospital or nursing/long-term-care facility (which are referred to the DPH,

  • Reports that involve a victim under the age of 18 (which are referred to DCF), and

  • Reports that involve a victim over the age of 59 (which are referred to the EOEA).


  • Cases where the alleged abuser was employed by a state agency, which would require DPPC to conduct the abuse investigation.


  • Cases where the alleged abuser was not employed by a state agency.


Overall Findings:

Substantiated- “Abuse is substantiated when there is enough evidence to conclude that an act, or neglect, by the alleged abuser resulted in serious physical or emotional injury to the alleged victim”.

Unsubstantiated- “Abuse is unsubstantiated when there is not enough evidence to conclude that the alleged abuser caused serious injury to the victim”.

Administratively Closed- “Cases are administratively closed when facts gathered during the IR (initial response) phase indicate that abuse did not occur”.

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